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3 Steps to Success: Start - Avoid - Take

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Here are 3 ways to have a great week . . .

It is Monday and we always believe something wonderful will happen so here are three ways to have a great week from The Whine Bar by Ally Brown CPC

Keep a positive attitude no matter what the week throws your way. . .

- Start each day with a positive affirmation. This will help to disrupt negative thinking – such as perceived threats or need for defensiveness - and start to create a new path for positive thoughts. Need help thinking about what you can use? DM me for a free downloadable positive affirmation list and journal.

- Avoid getting involved with gossip. Nothing good ever comes from gossip. Although it can feel like it forms a bond, it is a false one. Gossip breaks trust, ruins reputations, degrades your character, and has the sole purpose of tearing someone down. Chose instead to lift others up.

- Take a real break. Getting so engrossed in your work that you forget to stand up, get a glass of water or use the restroom is not a good idea, physically or mentally. Taking a break allows your brain and body to recharge. Whether it’s a 5-minute walk around the building or a half-hour lunch, take the time for yourself and make a positive impact on your long-term success and well-being.

Whatever you do, just put some magic in your Monday . . . and in you!



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Ally Brown CPC writer and author

Freelance Writer & Author in North Carolina
Transforming the World, One Story at a Time

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