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It's OK to Ask for Help: Advice from a Goose🐾

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Advice from a Lizard from The Whine Bar by Ally Brown CPC

My experience has shown that people are as divided over their feelings about geese as they are over political parties. They are viewed strongly at one end of the spectrum or the other. They are viewed as one of the world’s beautiful creatures or nuisances who poop everywhere. But no matter which side of the aisle you’re on, the sight of geese flying in “v” formation overhead, catches your attention.

Have you ever wondered why they fly in that “v” formation? I often have, and so have scientists. They have found that in this formation, geese have a set of strategies that help them to accomplish their goal of flying great distances and overcoming challenges along the way.

As each bird in the formation flaps its wings, it creates uplift for the bird behind it, in turn, it does so for the one behind the next, and so forth. As a result, the whole flock increases its flying range by about 71% more than if it were flying on its own. This allows all the birds to get to where they are going faster, and with less effort. This one fact demonstrates the extra power gained by those who help each other and share a common direction and a sense of community.

If a goose for whatever reason falls out of formation it instantly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and if possible, gets back into formation to feel the power of the lift once again. If however, it is tired or injured, two things occur. First, two other geese will leave the formation and go with the exhausted goose to provide protection for it. Secondly, the remaining flying geese will move forward to fill in the gaps that were left behind. Both support their flock, just in different ways.

And the honking you hear? That is the geese providing encouragement to the lead goose to keep up the direction and momentum.

The geese understand their limitations, acknowledge their challenges, seek assistance, and offer encouragement.

That’s worthy of some thought now isn’t it?

It has been ingrained in many, that not doing things on your own, and asking for assistance is a sign of weakness. However, it is the contrary that is true. Acknowledging your limitations and admitting you need help shows courage. It helps you to overcome challenges and gets you to where you need to be with less stress and discomfort.

Try following the advice of our feathered friends and let others know when you need help, and gratefully accept any assistance offered. You will fly stronger, and the flock will help you to get where you need to be.


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